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Digital communication. How business serves its customers online.

Anton Dyachenko
10 Jul 2020
Digital communication. How business serves its customers online. • Quickblox Blog

Our society is driven by digital technology. Technology has changed how we communicate with each other. This forces companies to change their business models and adapt to new digital trends, giving them a chance to develop better relationships with customers and improve internal efficiency. Businesses can offer an exceptional digital customer experience, connecting with clients online, using a variety of modern communication tools and services.

To meet the digital experience demand, a company can use dedicated communication software like QuickBlox to build its communication solution, significantly reducing costs and creating more satisfied customers.

How business communication serves its customers online

Today the increasing number of clients are engaged in customer services through various communication tools, like websites, email, texts, live chat, and social media. Users are taking advantage of digital channels to interact, transact, share, and purchase online.

Communication tools enhance the experience between the customer and the brand, boosting marketing and increasing sales. That is why to ensure effective communication is crucial for any business to stay one pace ahead of the competition.

Businesses need to adapt communication software solutions to deliver unique customer experience through the client’s preferred channel, and o keep consumers engaged. Ensuring your customers are getting their issues resolved instantly is the top priority.

The main challenge for a business is to choose the best communication tools to provide valuable information to its target audience by helping them and offering digital solutions. The correct choice will enhance the efficiency of a business, encourage more customer involvement, and improve employee motivation.

What ready communication tools used for business

Here are some communication tools available which may be best suited for your business needs.


Email remains in use as an immediate, productive, low-cost communication tool. The main benefit is that it is accessible through multiple devices. Using email can significantly benefit businesses. It provides efficient and effective ways to transmit all kinds of electronic data, such as text documents, photos, and data sheets to several contacts simultaneously by attaching the file to an email. Email can also be used for notifications, updates, reminders, confirmations, follow-ups.

However, because of durable spam filters, emails can be wrongly marked as spam and moved to the junk folder. It’s essential to ensure your emails are not identified as spam.

Social Media Applications

Social media applications with messaging and chat functions are often considered as one of the best business communication tools. They are developed to make it convenient and straightforward for businesses and customers to connect. It is an effective form of communication to address clients’ questions and engage with them at the customer service level. Social media applications also deliver notifications about upcoming products and services to customers, encouraging an ongoing relationship. They can be useful for gaining new followers that fit a specific target audience. It is simple to set up and help users to contact you whenever they have any questions.

Applications ensure flexibility and productivity so that businesses of all sizes can find a solution that best meets their needs. Automated messages allow instant connection with customers using a greeting that is personal to their business. You can also send quick replies, which is time-saving, thereby adding value to the company through increased engagement.

However, such popular social media applications like Skype and WhatsApp don’t meet all modern business needs. Due to their failure to protect their users’ data privacy, they are exposing your company to serious data breaches and security risks.

Live Web Chat

Live chat software is a modern communication tool specially designed for sales and customer engagement teams to have real-time personal communication with prospects and customers on the website, mobile app, or social pages. It is convenient for its urgency and immediacy, with a reduced operating cost. The relationship with your customers can create an emotional connection, increasing a customer’s trust for the brand, and generating more leads.

Customers don’t need to sign in or spend time downloading an app. The chat channel remains native on your website. Visitors can click and chat from any page of your website. This interactivity allows the accessibility of your services for anyone trying to reach you online.

Build your communication solution

QuickBlox offers sets of ready-made tools for enterprise-level communication, customer-focused business communication, e-commerce chat, and personal chat. We provide instant messaging APIs and SDKs that allow real-time chat, messaging, and rich functionality to be added to any Android, iOS, or Web applications to achieve the best possible business results with effective resource utilization and reduced costs.

QuickBlox’s product is used in many applications, including healthcare, marketplaces, fintech, e-commerce, enhancing user experience to its best. To ensure proper data protection, we use reliable providers for hosting our infrastructure and encrypt your data to protect it from the compromising.

However, developing your own 3 fully-featured chatting applications on android, iOS, and Web platforms can be quite complicated, and usually, it takes a lot of time and money. Also, hundreds of different kinds of devices are available in the market, making the entire process quite complicated. If you do not have the technical expertise, finding one can be tough.

Using our ready out-of-the-box white-label products Q-consultation for telemedicine and Q-municate for other business communications would save you many costs compared to developing your solution. Built using our QuickBlox communication infrastructure, Q-Consultation and Q-municate are your out-of-the-box set of applications in your business offering hosted on a secure, scalable, GDPR, and HIPAA compliant backend. We offer these modern apps for all the major platforms, with support, flexible pricing options, and enterprise-ready features.


Contact our technical consultants, and they will help you choose the most advantageous option for your business needs. QuickBlox will ensure you have the best tools to deliver excellent communication experience that will be beneficial for any business.

Learn more about our services on our website.

More details about Q-Consultation and Q-municate.

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