
Chat UI Kits Integrated with AI

Create stunning chat interfaces quickly and easily with our pre-designed UI components. Fully customizable and providing seamless integration with our powerful SDKs, our UI Kits save you time and resources.

QuickBlox chat ui kit

Get the best of both worlds - stunning design and seamless functionality

QuickBlox UI Kit Functionality

Sign up for a QuickBlox account and start using the Chat UI Kit today

Deliver the ultimate chat experience for your users without the hassle of designing every element from scratch - our Chat UI Kits have got you covered

Save Time & Money

With our UI kits, you'll save countless hours of design and development time, enabling you to focus on creating the best possible user experience for your customers.

Build Chat with Ease

Our pre-built components simplifies the design process, enabling developers to focus on integrating the UI components with the back-end functionalities of the chat application.

Enjoy Seamless Functionality

Our UI kits provide a range of chat-specific UI components, such as chat bubbles, input fields, message threads, and more. but also ready-to-use workflows and screens that you can easily embed into your application.

Integrate Across Platforms

Our UI kits are compatible with several frameworks & programming languages, ensuring seamless integration with your existing codebase.

Create Stunning Design

Our interface components have been crafted with care, creating a modern sleek appearance. Use our kits to create design consistency across your application.


While providing you with the convenience of pre-built tools, you can also personalize the chat interface according to your unique requirements and audience, ensuring a better fit.

Pre-enabled with AI functionality

  • AI Answer Assist

    for quick and accurate answers to user queries

    AI Answer Assist QuickBlox
  • AI Translate

    for real-time language translation

    AI Translate QuickBlox
  • AI Rephrase

    to rewrite the message in a different tone and style

    AI Rephrase QuickBlox

Build Stunning Chat UI for every platform

Chat Building Tools for Developers

QuickBlox chat ui kit
QuickBlox chat-integration

Don't waste time designing every element of your chat app - leverage our Chat UI Kits today

UI Kit Code
QuickBlox file-sharing

Read our detailed documentation for simple instruction on how to integrate & customize

QuickBlox multi-communication

Don’t need the functionality, just the design? Make use of our UI graphic design kit for sketch.

Figma Graphical Assets
QuickBlox post-box