
Live Chat for Ecommerce, Marketplaces & Buyer-Seller Apps

Customers who chat, buy more. Give them a space to connect with their seller directly and see your platform engagement multiply like never before. Quickblox API can help you get there.

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Amp Up Your Ecommerce Sales With a Customizable Live Chat & Messaging Solution

Use real-time chat and messaging API to increase average order sizes, deliver personalized messages to customers, and supercharge your in-app purchases by reaching potential customers at their highest purchase intent. With video, voice, chat and other engaging features like push and in-app notifications, you can offer your audience a safe, secure, and highly addictive shopping experience.

Join the “Real-time” Revolution

Increase your profits in real-time with real-time messaging. Marketplaces that focus on maximizing buyer purchases and seller returns close more transactions with less stress.

Control Features to Ensure Safe Environment

Access control features like blocking, removing or dismissing spammers and policy violators to ensure your visitors do not feel demotivated due to poor user-moderation. Encourage safety on your platform.

Personalized Experiences

Put your customers first. Send personalized messages and notifications as per the different stages in their buying journey. Analyze user-behavior and respond to them based on data focused insights.

Top-Notch Security

Protect your customers’ shopping with multiple security measures, from flexible data hosting to two-time user authentication. Send requested docs securely as well as protect their personal data in a secure platform.

Boost Conversions & Retention

Reduce churn, increase conversations, and retain more customers by treating your shoppers as they want. Track and analyze user activity and increase real time engagement to reduce cart abandonment.

Build Customer Loyalty

Act like a responsive communication platform to build trust among your customers. Reach them wherever they are with actionable, targeted messages and increase the likelihood of repeat purchases by creating positive consumer experiences.

Want to speed up the buyer decision and reduce cart abandonment ? Try 1-on-1 Messaging & Chat

Secure live chat & messaging for marketplaces (engage, retain, monetize)

QuickBlox pay

Close More Transactions

Connect buyers with sellers in your online marketplace. Provide speedy support, personalized messages on transactions, payment reminders, onboarding, and limited-time offers.

  • Real‑time chat messaging
  • Live and offline messages
  • Message delivery status and typing indicator
  • User activity status
  • Push and in‑app notifications (e.g. order confirmations, invoices, receipts)
QuickBlox save time

Reduce Churn & Improve Retention

Create unforgettable customer experiences by integrating highly interactive video and voice messaging into your ecommerce/marketplace website and app. Answer every request in seconds and see your retention rate go higher.

  • 1:1 audio and video calls
  • Group audio and video calls (up to 4 users)
  • Recordable group conference calls
  • Screen sharing features
  • Video-streaming
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Advanced Ecommerce Live Chat Features

Take advantage of an embedded chat system to connect with customers privately and in groups. Addressing multiple customers is simple for an ecommerce store as well as marketplaces using advanced chat features.

  • Group chat
  • Public chat
  • One-to-one private chat
  • File sharing - any type of file including voice & video messages (e.g. gifs, images, photos, documents)
  • Dynamic messaging - add embeddable links and buttons
QuickBlox security

Secure and Manage your Data Online

Utilize advanced user management tools to create a safe digital environment for customers as well as sellers. Monitor and filter offenders with a secure backend that keeps your customers stress free.

  • Create user registration and login
  • Detect and ban fraudulent users
  • Prevent unauthorized access to customer’s personal data
  • Create filters for inappropriate content and profanity
  • Link messaging history to user’s profile

Drive higher engagement & close more transactions with a real time Chat API

Focus on conversions and revenue while we take care of building a customer focused ecommerce/marketplace app.

Why QuickBlox?

What do e-commerce customers want? Quick solutions to their problems, pricing discussions, post purchase support, information about the delivery, and all of this in real-time. Quickblox APIs are equipped to build these features within your marketplace/ecommerce app in less than a month - for half the development cost you may incur while building it from scratch.

QuickBlox custom-soft

Fully customizable solution to meet unique product requirements of a marketplace/ecommerce product.

QuickBlox Shield

Dedicated infrastructure for enterprises who need a dedicated server, extra security, compliance and support.

QuickBlox rich-documentation

Rich documentation, 24X7 support, flexible pricing for every stage of business growth.

Trusted by Devs & Marketplaces Worldwide

Several other marketplaces and buyer-seller apps are using our software currently to boost real time engagement on their platform. Over 30,000 software developers and organizations worldwide use QuickBlox messaging API, creating 75 million streams of chats per day.


enterprise instances




chats per day


requests per month

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an e-commerce API?

API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of code that serves as an interface between two separate applications enabling communication and the transfer of data. An e-commerce API is used to describe a collection of e-commerce functionality (e.g. billing and payment, CRM, real-time communication) available on an e-commerce website or app that are provided via the use of APIs.

What is e-commerce live chat?

E-commerce live chat is real-time communication in the form of instant messaging, that is integrated straight into your ecommerce website or mobile app. E-commerce live chat instantly connects buyers with sellers, enabling (potential) customers to initiate a live chat conversation via online text to find out more about a product or service.

What are the benefits of live chat for e‑commerce websites and mobile apps?

There are countless benefits for integrating live chat software into your website or app: Live chat provides a more time and resource efficient way to respond to customer questions and requests. In‑app chat offers a more intimate and personalised way to communicate with (potential) customers so that you can close a deal and enhance brand loyalty. Providing timely responses enhances customer experience and ultimately boosts sales.

Does QuickBlox provide e-commerce customer service software?

QuickBlox provides comprehensive SDKs and APIs to implement live chat messaging, voice and video calling, file sharing, push notifications and a host of other features, into your e-commerce website or mobile app. These engaging communication tools provide the basis for powerful online customer service solutions. Use live chat to provide direct and prompt responses to customer queries, requests, and grievances and video chat for product demos. In-app chat enables support agents to explain a product or service as well as guide a customer through a transaction.

Does QuickBlox provide Video Streaming for Live Commerce platforms?

Depending on your server configuration, our video conference calling technology can support video streaming for potentially 1000s of viewers. Chat with a QuickBlox consultant now to learn more.

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